信仰之旅 (8)

on 2016年9月14日 星期三
信仰之旅 (8)

透過這些年我先生和我在教會的不同事奉,增長了我對上帝的信心。 我教一個二到四歲小朋友的班已經有22年了,後來教會改變課程,就不再需要我了,我感到很難過,但是我知道上帝會為我預備另一個服事的地方。不久之後,牧師娘就要我和我先生去為大學生開一門課,我們跟這些年輕人有一個美好的事工。
上帝已經讓我知道,當一個事奉的機會結束時,祂會再告訴我新的、可以服事祂的機會。今天閱讀的經文中,保羅談到在我們事奉上帝時應該要怎麼做,記得今天你做的每一件事都要為上帝而做! —DF

「無論做甚麼,說甚麼,你們都要奉主耶穌的名,藉著他感謝父上帝。」 歌羅西書3:17

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Faith Journey (8)
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:12-17
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

 My faith in God has grown through the years as my husband and I have served God in several different areas in our church.
For 22 years, I taught a class for two to four-year-olds. But the church changed their program, and I was no longer needed. I was sad, but I knew that God had another place of service for me. Soon our pastor's wife asked me and my husband to start a class for college students. We had a wonderful ministry with those young people.
Later I went back to teaching a class for young children. That was a tiring job, but I really enjoyed it. After that, my husband and I took care of children while their parents were in a Bible study. That group was another blessing from God!
God has taught me that when one opportunity for service ends, He will show me something new that I can do for Him. In our Bible verses today Paul talks about how we should act as we serve God. Remember to do everything today for God! —DF

“Everything you say and everything you do should be done for Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.” Colossians 3:17
PRAYER: God, thank You for giving me opportunities to serve You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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