詩篇119 (4)

on 2016年9月23日 星期五
詩篇119 (4)
聖經閱讀:詩篇119:25-32 現代中譯本|合和本

 我拿出聖經,找到今天要讀的經文,當讀到第28節時,我哭了:「我被憂愁所困擾;求你照你的應許使我強壯。」 我為什麼哭呢?前一天我帶我的狗,高蒂,去看獸醫,她不能走路,我希望獸醫師能找出哪裡出了問題。獸醫師隔天早上打電話跟我說高蒂那天晚上死了,這讓我跟我兩個兒子感到很傷心!
也許今天你也感到傷心,也許你失去了一隻寵物,或是有一個朋友或親戚去世了,也許你有財務上的困難或丟了工作,唯一可以讓你真正找到安慰和平安的地方就是透過上帝的話語。請打開你的聖經、閱讀上帝的話,祂會賜給你繼續走下去所需要的力量。 —BH

「上帝信守他的每一個應許。他像盾牌,衛護所有投靠他的人。」 箴言30:5

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Psalm 119 (4)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:25-32
Friday, September 23, 2016

I found my Bible and opened it to our verses for today. I cried as I read verse 28, “I am sad and tired. Say the word, and make me strong again.”
Why was I crying? The day before I had taken our dog, Goldie, to the vet. She could not walk, so I wanted the vet to find out what was wrong. The vet called me that morning to tell me that Goldie had died during the night. My two sons and I were so sad!
Some people think that pets are not important, but Goldie was a special part of our family. She would always stay near my sons' beds when they were sick. As I did my daily housework, Goldie would follow me everywhere. When I sat down, she would lie at my feet.
Maybe you are sad today. Maybe you have lost a pet, or a friend or relative has died. Or maybe you have financial problems or have lost your job. The only true place you can find comfort and peace is through God's Word. Open your Bible and read God's words. He will give you the strength you need to go on. —BH

“You can trust this. God is a safe place for those who go to him.” Proverbs 30:5
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for giving us comfort and peace through the Bible. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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