詩篇119 (2)

on 2016年9月4日 星期日
詩篇119 (2)
聖經閱讀:詩篇119:9-16 現代中譯本|合和本

我希望你會渴望查考聖經,我鼓勵你今天,以及接下來的每一天,特別安排一段時間來禱告並學習上帝的話語。 —BH

「上主啊,我頌讚你;求你把你的法則教導我。我要高聲傳述你所立的一切法則。我渴慕你的法律,遠勝過一切財富。」 詩篇119:12-14

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Psalm 119 (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-16
Sunday, September 4, 2016

 It is important that we study God's Word, the Bible. When we study God's Word, we can learn how to obey Him. Verse 11 of our Bible Reading says, “I study your teachings very carefully so that I will not sin against you.”
Studying God's Word takes time and effort. Maybe you are wondering how to study the Bible. First, pray to God and ask Him to help you as you read His Word. Then take time to carefully read and study — don't hurry through the verses.
As you study the Bible, continue to pray. Ask God to help you understand His Word and to help you apply the verses to your life. God will show you how you can obey Him and grow as a Christian.
I hope you are excited to study the Bible. I encourage you to set aside a special time to pray and learn from God’s Word today and every day. —BH

Lord, you are worthy of praise! Teach me your laws. I will repeat the laws we have heard from you. I enjoy following your rules as much as others enjoy great riches.” Psalm 119:12-14
PRAYER: Lord, as I study Your Word, help me to learn how I can serve You all my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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