信仰之旅 (7)

on 2016年9月13日 星期二
信仰之旅 (7)

醫生告訴我們,兒子需要在頭上戴特殊護具三個月來固定脖子,但是三個月後,醫生卻說還要再等一個月。我感到很失望,不想再等下去了! 再一次,上帝賜給我平安和耐心,祂幫助我知道一切都會沒事,也許這就是今天經文閱讀的作者寫下這句話時的心情:「上主啊,我頌讚你,因為你救了我,你已將我的哀哭變為跳舞」(第1a和11a節)。
不管今天你會遇到什麼事,記得要時時倚靠上帝,讓你的信心持續成長。 —DF

「所以我不緘默,我要歌唱頌讚你;上主─我的上帝啊,我要永遠感謝你』」 詩篇30:12

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Faith Journey (7)
Bible Reading: Psalm 123:1-4
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

 Four months after my mother died, my son broke his neck in a diving accident. We drove all night and arrived at the hospital in the morning. I was so relieved to see my son and learn that he could move his legs.
The doctor told us that my son would need to wear a special device on his head for three months to keep his neck from moving. But at the end of the three months, the doctor said we would have to wait another month. I was very disappointed. I didn't want to wait any longer!
Once again, God gave me peace and patience. He helped me understand that things would work out okay. Maybe that is how the writer of our Bible verses felt when he wrote, “Lord, you lifted me out of my troubles. You have changed my sorrow into dancing” (verses 1a and 11a).
No matter what you will face today, remember to always depend on God and keep your faith growing. —DF

“You wanted me to praise you and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever!” Psalm 30:12
PRAYER: Dear God, I know I can always depend on You. Please take care of me today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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