聖經閱讀:約翰福音10:11-18 現代中譯本|合和本
今天就考慮讓耶穌成為你的好牧人。要記得祂為你所成就的事,並且去向人分享這個信息。 —JK
Jesus (10)
Bible Reading: John 10:11-18
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
In our Bible Reading today, Jesus said that He is the good shepherd. These verses compare a shepherd with a worker who is paid to take care of sheep.
A worker who is paid to care for sheep does only what he must do. When trouble comes, he runs away and leaves the sheep alone. He does not really care about them. But a shepherd owns the sheep. He knows each sheep and notices when one is missing. When danger is near, he stays with the sheep to protect them. I am so glad that Jesus is my shepherd. I belong to Him, and I know He cares about me. I know He protects me from danger.
The most important thing a shepherd can do is give his life for his sheep. Jesus gave His life for us when He died on the cross. He loves us so much that He was willing to die and accept the punishment for our sins.
Think about Jesus being your good shepherd today. Remember what He does for you, and share this news with others. —JK
“I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”
John 10:11
PRAYER: God, thank You that Jesus was willing to die for me. In His name. Amen.