
on 2014年3月26日 星期三
聖經閱讀:創世記12:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

亞伯蘭  在今天的經文中,上帝吩咐亞伯蘭要離開故鄉,去一個新的地方。亞伯蘭並不知道這個新的地方在哪裡,但是上帝說祂要賜福亞伯蘭並使他大有名望。
 上帝希望你今天就順服祂,去做一個將亮光帶入這個黑暗又充滿罪惡的世界的人,並將福音分享給所有需要認識耶穌的人。 -JS*
「我要使你多子多孫;他們要形成大國。我要賜福給你,使你大有名望…我要藉著你賜福給萬民。」 創世記12:2-3

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Bible Reading: Genesis 12:1-5
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Abram  In our Bible Reading today, God told Abram to leave his country and travel to a new place. Abram did not know where the new place was. But God said He would bless Abram and make his name famous.
 Abram had great faith. He believed that God would keep His promise. So Abram took his family and his possessions and set out for the new land.
 When I read this story, I remember that I need to be like Abram. I need to pay attention to God and obey His commands. Abram’s life changed a lot when he decided to obey God. Since the day I was baptized, my life has not been the same. I try every day to obey God’s command to go into the world and tell people about Him.
 God wants you to obey Him today. Be a person who brings light into the dark world of sin. Share the Good News with people who need to know Jesus. —JS*
“I will build a great nation from you. I will bless you and make your name famous...I will use you to bless all the people on earth.” Genesis 12:2-3
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to have great faith like Abram had. Help me to obey You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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