
on 2013年7月9日 星期二
聖經閱讀:馬可福音16:1-13 現代中譯本|合和本

耶穌的復活  今天的聖經閱讀告訴我們關於耶穌的死而復活。抹大拉的馬利亞和其他一些婦女去到墳墓,要用香料抺耶穌的身體;一個身穿白衣的男子告訴她們,耶穌復活了。
 我希望你目前正在服事並遵從耶穌。今天,你一定要去告訴某人關於耶穌的死和復活。 —NW
「主耶穌向他們說了這些話後,被接到天上去,坐在上帝的右邊。」 馬可福音16:19

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Jesus’ Resurrection
Bible Reading: Mark 16:1-13
Tuesday, July 9 2013

Jesus’ Resurrection  Our Bible Reading today tells us about Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Mary Magdalene and some other women went to the tomb to put spices on Jesus’ body. A man dressed in white told them that Jesus was alive.
 Verse 9 tells us about the first person who saw Jesus alive. “Jesus rose from death early on the first day of the week. He appeared first to Mary Magdalene. One time in the past Jesus had forced seven demons out of Mary.” Jesus could have appeared first to the Jewish religious leaders or other important people. Instead, Jesus chose to appear to a woman who had been demon-possessed.
 After that, Jesus appeared to some of His followers. He reminded the followers to share the Good News about His death and resurrection with everyone they met.
 I hope that you are serving and obeying Jesus. Be sure to tell someone today about Jesus’ death and resurrection. —NW
“After the Lord Jesus said these things to his followers, he was carried up into heaven. There, Jesus sat at the right side of God.” Mark 16:19
PRAYER: Lord, I want to tell people about You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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