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on 2013年7月20日 星期六
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聖經閱讀:提摩太後書2:14-16 現代中譯本|合和本

比較 (2)  電視和網路可以是很棒的工具,可以幫助我們學習很多事情,甚至可以幫助我們認識聖經。
 你一定要不斷地花時間將你所看到的和讀到的跟上帝的話語作比較,那麼你就是遵從保羅在第15節的教導:「要努力在上帝面前作一個經得起考驗、問心無愧的工人,正確地講解真理的信息。」 —GT
「我們放棄了一切暗昧可恥的事,不做詭詐的事,也不曲解上帝的話。在上帝面前,我們公開顯明真理」 哥林多後書4:2a

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Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 2:14-16
Saturday, July 20 2013

Compare (2)  TV and the Internet can be wonderful tools. They can help us learn about many things. They can even help us learn about the Bible.
 I have seen many TV programs and websites that claim to be based on the Bible. But we can’t trust all these programs and websites. Some of them teach things that are not from the Bible. Others ignore or change some Bible truths.
 We need to be careful. We need to compare the things we see on TV or on the Internet with the Bible. Then we will truly know if these programs or websites are teaching God’s Word.
 Be sure that you always take time to compare what you see and read with God’s Word. Then you will be following Paul’s advice in verse 15 of our Bible Reading: “Do your best to be the kind of person God will accept, and give yourself to him. Be a worker who has no reason to be ashamed of his work, one who applies the true teaching in the right way.” —GT
“But we have turned away from secret and shameful ways. We don’t use trickery, and we don’t change the teaching of God. We teach the truth plainly.” 2 Corinthians 4:2a
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I always want to learn the truth about Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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