
on 2013年7月12日 星期五
聖經閱讀:路加福音17:11-19 現代中譯本|合和本

要心存感謝  在我的國家,當有人送東西給小孩,或是好心為他們做了什麼,父母親會教小孩說「謝謝」。我認為「說謝謝」是我們的一個好習慣。
 上帝已經為我們成就了很多事,因著藉由耶穌而來的救恩,也因著祂賜給我們在世上的各樣祝福,我們應該每天都謝謝祂。我希望你會像那個人一樣,並且今天就表達你的謝意。 —PN*
「其中有一個人看見自己已經好了,連忙轉回來,大聲頌讚上帝,又俯伏在耶穌腳前感謝他。」 路加福音17:15-16a

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Be Thankful
Bible Reading: Luke 17:11-19
Friday, July 12 2013

Be Thankful  In my country, parents teach their children to say or sign “thank you” when a person gives them something or does something nice for them. I think it is a good habit for us to say or sign “thank you.”
 Our Bible Reading today tells us about ten men who had leprosy, a terrible skin disease. They could not come close to Jesus, so they shouted (verse 13), “Jesus! Master! Please help us!”
 Jesus told the ten men to go show themselves to the Jewish priests. As they were going, they were healed. Verse 15 tells us that one man went back to Jesus and thanked him. It is sad that the other nine men did not thank Jesus.
 God has done so much for us. We should thank Him every day for salvation through Jesus and for the blessings He gives us here on earth. I hope you will be like the one man and show your thankfulness today! —PN*
“When one of them saw that he was healed, he went back to Jesus. He praised God loudly. He bowed down at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” Luke 17:15-16a
PRAYER: Father, thank You for all You have done for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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