
on 2013年1月21日 星期一
聖經閱讀:詩篇74:1-23 現代中譯本|合和本

摧毀  詩篇第74篇的作者告訴我們,耶路撒冷的聖殿是如何被摧毀的。聖殿是上帝的子民敬拜祂的地方,但是以色列民不順服上帝,所以上帝就允許以色列的敵人來攻打耶路撒冷,並且摧毀了聖殿。第7a節說:「他們用火焚燒你的聖所」
「但上帝啊,自古以來你就是我們的王;你多次拯救了我們。你安排晝夜;你使日月各安其位。」 詩篇74:12,16

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Bible Reading: Psalm 74:1-23
Monday, January 21, 2013

Destruction  The writer of Psalm 74 tells us about the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. The temple was the place where God’s people worshiped Him. But the Israelites disobeyed God. So He allowed their enemies to attack Jerusalem and destroy the temple. “They burned down your holy place” (verse 7a).
 After Jesus died and returned to heaven, God established His church. The church is made up of people who love and obey Jesus. Every day the devil tries to destroy the church. He attacks Christians all around the world. The devil encourages people to turn from God and worship him. And the devil tries to stop Christians from sharing the Good News about Jesus.
 What should we do about the devil’s attacks? Should we give up? No! We need to be like the writer of Psalm 74 and remember that God will be with us to help us. We need to pray and keep spreading the news about Jesus. I hope you do that today. —SH*
“God, you have been our King for a long time. You have saved us many times on this earth. You control the day and the night. You made the sun and the moon.” Psalm 74:12,16
PRAYER: Father, I love You! I want to stand strong for You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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