
on 2013年1月16日 星期三
聖經閱讀:詩篇119:33-40 現代中譯本|合和本

哪一條路?  有些時候農夫會用乾草磚堆成迷宮,然後邀請附近的小孩來尋找迷宮的出口。
 就讓上帝的話語來幫助你做正確的選擇,並且指示你生命中當行的道路。 —BL
「上主啊,你公義;你的法律公正。你所頒賜的誡律,完全公道,完全正直。」 詩篇119:137-138

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Which Way?
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:33-40
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Which Way?  Sometimes a farmer will set up a maze built out of hay bales. Then he will invite neighborhood children to find their way through the maze.
 Some mazes are simple and only need a few turns to get through them. But others are difficult to maneuver through. As children go through the maze, they try to remember the dead ends and get out of the maze as fast as they can.
 Life is like a maze with many choices along the way. When we make wrong decisions, we may end up at a “dead end.” Then we become confused and frustrated. So it is important that we use God’s Word, the Bible, to help us make the right choices in life. That’s where we can read God’s commands. Verse 35 of our Bible Reading says, “Help me follow your commands, because that’s what makes me happy.”
 Let God’s Word help you make right choices and show you which way to go in your life. —BL
“Lord, you do what is right, and your decisions are fair. The rules you have given us are right. We can trust them completely.” Psalm 119:137-138
PRAYER: God, teach me to rely on Your Word to help me make right choices. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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