聖經閱讀:馬可福音11:22-26 現代中譯本|合和本
今天經文的23b節中,耶穌說:「…只要心裏不疑惑,確信所說的一定實現,這事就會為你們實現。」有時候,我們心裡會有疑惑,也有時候,我們的信心不夠堅強。 當我們對上帝和祂預備給我們的計畫有疑惑時,這就是我們沒有完全相信上帝的警訊,這時,我們需要建立起對上帝的信心。 我們要如何堅定對上帝的信心呢?以下是能幫助你的一些方法:一、閱讀聖經中上帝的應許,並且留意在新、舊約中上帝如何信守祂對人們的應許;二、將上帝過去為你成就的事列成一張清單;三、將你的心思專注於上帝的大能;四、請求上帝幫助你看見祂,當祂在你的生命作工的時候;五、用路加福音1:37提醒自己──「在上帝沒有一件事是做不到的。」 當你疑惑的時候,不要放棄!上帝可以使用你的疑惑來幫助你,讓你在靈性上成長並且堅定你的信心。—GT 「所以,我告訴你們,你們禱告,無論求甚麼,相信是得著了,就會得到你們所求的。」 馬可福音11:24
(SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
No Doubts
Bible Reading: Mark 11:22-26
Saturday, January 19, 2013
In verse 23b of our Bible Reading Jesus said, “...if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, then God will do it for you.” Sometimes we have doubts or times when our faith is not strong. When we have doubts about God and His plan for us, it is a warning that we are not trusting God completely. We need to build up our faith in God. How can we strengthen our faith in God? Here are some ideas that will help you: 1) Read God’s promises in the Bible and notice how He always kept His promises to people in the Old and New Testaments; 2) Make a list of things God has done for you in the past; 3) Focus your thoughts on God’s great power; 4) Ask God to help you see Him as He works in your life; and 5) Remind yourself of Luke 1:37 — “God can do anything!” When you face times of doubt, don’t give up! God can use your doubts to help you grow spiritually and strengthen your faith. —GT “So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those things, then they will be yours.” Mark 11:24
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to always trust You and never give up. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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