聖經閱讀:以賽亞書9:3-7 現代中譯本|合和本
有時候,我們就是無法不去想在生活中所經歷的壞事,舉例來說,軍人會去想他所打過的仗,而婦人會去想已逝去或是拋棄她的丈夫。 如果我們隨時都有負面的思想,也許我們應該找一個能幫助我們的人談一談。跟牧師、朋友或是心靈導師談話能幫助我們再次有正面的思想。 但是,我們能找到的最好幫助者是耶穌,在今天的經文中,以賽亞談到耶穌;在以賽亞給耶穌列的稱呼中,有一個是「奇妙的導師」。我們可以向耶穌尋求幫助和建議,如果讓耶穌來幫助我們,我們就可以再次有正面的思想。 今天就跟耶穌說話,告訴祂你的想法和問題。耶穌將成為你的幫助者和奇妙的導師。—SAH 「他將被稱為:『奇妙的導師』,『全能的上帝』,『永恆的父親』,『和平的君王』。他的王權將繼續增長;他的王國永享和平。」 以賽亞書9:6b-7a
(SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Wonderful Counselor
Bible Reading: Isaiah 9:3-7
Friday, January 18, 2013
Sometimes we just can’t stop thinking about the bad things that we have experienced in life. For example, a soldier thinks about a war that he fought in or a woman thinks about her husband who left her or died. If we think about bad things all the time, maybe we should talk to someone who can help us. Talking to a pastor or a friend or a counselor can help us to think about good things again. But the best helper we can find is Jesus. In our Bible Reading today, Isaiah is talking about Jesus. One of the names for Jesus that Isaiah lists is “Wonderful Counselor.” We can go to Jesus for help and advice. If we let Jesus help us, we can start thinking about good things again. Talk to Jesus today. Tell Him your thoughts and problems. Jesus will be your helper and wonderful counselor. —SAH “His name will be ‘Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God, Father Who Lives Forever, Prince of Peace.’ His power will continue to grow, and there will be peace without end.” Isaiah 9:6b-7a
PRAYER: Dear God, every day I want to ask for Your advice. Please give me wisdom to follow You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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