
on 2013年1月31日 星期四
聖經閱讀:約翰福音11:1-5,38-44 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝是真實的  今天,這世界還是有些人不相信上帝,但是,我知道上帝是真實的。我怎麼知道呢?有兩個方法讓我知道上帝是真實的。
「沒有人見過上帝,只有獨子,就是跟父親最親密的那一位,把他啟示出來。」 約翰福音1:18

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God is Real
Bible Reading: John 11:1-5,38-44
Thursday, January 31, 2013

God is Real  Some people in the world today do not believe in God. But I know that God is real. How do I know this? Here are two ways that I know God is real.
 First, the Bible says that God is real. Our Bible verses today tell me about God’s power and wisdom as He was creating the world. Acts 17:24a tells us, “He is the God who made the whole earth and everything in it. He is the Lord of the land and the sky.”
 Second, God’s creation shows us that He is real. Genesis 1:1a says, “God created the sky and the earth.” Then God created the sun, moon, stars and all the animals. Finally, God created people. In Psalm 19:1 we read, “The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what his hands have made.”
 I hope that you, too, believe God is real. And don’t be foolish. “Only fools think there is no God” (Psalm 14:1a). Tell other people today that God is real. —JR*
“No one has ever seen God. The only Son is the one who has shown us what God is like. He is himself God and is very close to the Father.” John 1:18
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, I am so glad that You are real. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年1月30日 星期三
聖經閱讀:馬太福音6:1-4 現代中譯本|合和本

暗中行善  身為基督徒,我們應該要暗中行善。什麼是「暗中行善」呢?這裡有一個例子。
 今天,就找一些方法去為別人做一些好事。 —NW
「所以,你施捨的時候,不可大吹大擂,這應該是一件隱密的事。這樣,那位看得見你在隱密中做事的天父一定會獎賞你。」 馬太福音6:2a,4

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Secret Deeds
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:1-4
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Secret Deeds  As Christians, we should be doing secret deeds. What are secret deeds? Here is an example.
 Trudy had a new craft kit. In the kit were long leather strips of red, white and blue leather. The directions told Trudy how to make a bookmark. As Trudy worked on the bookmark, she thought about Elsie, a new girl at church. Elsie was quiet and shy. The next Sunday Trudy arrived early and put the bookmark on Elsie’s chair. Trudy watched Elsie smile as she looked at the bookmark. Trudy felt good that she had done this secret deed.
 In our Bible verses today, Jesus talked about secretly doing something for another person. Jesus said (verse 3b), “...don’t let anyone know what you are doing.” The good thing about doing a secret deed is that God knows. And that makes Him very happy.
 Look for ways to do kind things for other people today. —NW
“When you give to those who are poor, don’t announce that you are giving. Your giving should be done in private. Your Father can see what is done in private, and he will reward you.” Matthew 6:2a,4
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to show Your love to other people today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年1月29日 星期二
聖經閱讀:詩篇119:65-72 現代中譯本|合和本

管教  我的兒子4歲的時候,他用刷子把整輛全新的貨車灑得到處都是泥巴,而他並不想讓我這個父親來管教他,但我們知道,他需要好好上一課來改正他的行為。(我的兒子現在長大成人了,他仍然不喜歡油漆刷子!)
 你要專心注目於上帝並且讓祂來引導你、管教你。 —ES
「你多麼良善,多麼慈愛!求你把你的誡命教導我。」 詩篇119:68

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Bible Reading: Psalm 119:65-72
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Discipline  When my son was four years old, he spread mud all over our new truck with a paint brush. He did not want his father to discipline him. But we knew that we needed to teach him a lesson and change his behavior. (My son is an adult now, and he still doesn’t like paint brushes!)
 In verse 66 of our Bible Reading, the writer asked God, “Give me the knowledge to make wise decisions. I trust your commands.” Why did he ask this? Because he had done many wrong things and learned that he needed to obey God. “Suffering was good for me; I learned your laws” (verse 71).
 Children need their parents to discipline them. In the same way, we need God to teach us and show us the right way to live. God is good, and He is a good teacher. “Your teachings are worth more to me than a thousand pieces of silver and gold” (verse 72).
 Pay attention to God and let Him lead and discipline you. —ES
“You are good, and you do good things. Teach me your laws.” Psalm 119:68
PRAYER: Father, thank You for loving me enough to discipline me when I disobey You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年1月28日 星期一
聖經閱讀:詩篇34:1-22 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝真好  一位跟我很要好的基督徒朋友最近過世了,她有很多健康上的問題,當我知道她生病時,我為她做了三件事:我用油膏抹她、為她禱告,並且讀一些特別的經文給她聽。
「要親自體驗上主的美善;投靠他的人多麼有福啊!」 詩篇34:8a

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God is Good
Bible Reading: Psalm 34:1-22
Monday, January 28, 2013

God is Good  My dear Christian friend died recently. She had many health problems. When I learned that she was sick, I did three things for her. I anointed her with oil, I prayed for her and I read special Bible verses to her.
 Soon my friend died. I was sad, but God reminded me of the verses from Psalm 34. God showed me that He is always paying attention to people who love Him. God paid attention to my friend’s prayers. She is no longer sick. God also is watching over her family members and working in their lives to bring them closer to Him.
 I do not understand why God allowed my friend to die, but I trust His wisdom. And, I know that God is good all the time. God is good in healthy and sick times. He is good through our happy and sad times. And God is good in life and even in death.
 Do you truly love God and trust Him? Then you can trust God to always do what is best for you. —SP*
“Give the Lord a chance to show you how good he is. Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!” Psalm 34:8
PRAYER: God, I will trust You even when I do not understand. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年1月27日 星期日
聖經閱讀:詩篇81:1-16 現代中譯本|合和本

留心聽上帝的話  詩篇第81篇一開始便讚美上帝帶領祂的百姓以色列人離開埃及;在前往新土地的旅程中,上帝照顧他們並且供應他們的需要。
「我的子民哪,聽我的勸告吧;以色列啊,我多麼希望你聽從我!你絕不可事奉外族的神;你不可敬拜我以外的神。我是上主─你的上帝。」 詩篇81:8-10a

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Pay Attention to God
Bible Reading: Psalm 81:1-16
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pay Attention to God  Psalm 81 begins by praising God for leading His people, the Israelites, out of Egypt. God took care of them and provided for them as they traveled to a new land.
 But many times the Israelites refused to pay attention to God. They stopped worshiping Him and worshiped false gods. So God let the Israelites continue being stubborn and disobedient. Then they faced many problems.
 This psalm ends with God reminding His people that if they will obey Him, He will give them all kinds of blessings. “I would give the best wheat to my people. I would give them the purest honey, until they were satisfied” (verse 16).
 Often we are stubborn and go our own way. We stop paying attention to God and end up in trouble. We need to remember to always follow God and listen to His words in the Bible.
 Pay attention to God today. Focus on Him and His plan for your life.—BH
“My people, I am warning you. Israel, listen to me! Don’t worship any of the false gods that the foreigners worship. I, the Lord, am your God.” Psalm 81:8-10a
PRAYER: Lord, I want to pay attention to You and Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年1月26日 星期六
聖經閱讀:約伯記37:1-24 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝掌管一切  我跟我先生住在一個以農業為生的社區裡,我們的鄰居都是農夫,而鎮上的許多行業都跟農業有關。
「你知道上帝奇異的作為,怎樣使雲彩在空中浮動嗎?」 約伯記37:16

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God is In Control
Bible Reading: Job 37:1-24
Saturday, January 26, 2013

God is In Control  My husband and I live on an acreage in a farming community. Our neighbors are farmers, and many businesses in town are connected with farming.
 Many people love to farm. But farming can be a risky business. Why? Because farming depends on the weather. If the rains don’t come, the crops will die. Or if it rains too much, the crops will not grow and produce well.
 Many farmers would like to control the weather so they could always have good crops. But the only one who controls the weather is God. We can see His power in a hurricane or a tornado. And we can see His beauty in a streak of brilliant lightning or drops of rain on a leaf.
 Our Bible verses today remind us that only God can control thunder, lightning, wind, clouds and rain. We cannot understand how God does this, but we can be thankful that He takes care of the earth we live on. Thank God today and praise Him for all the wonderful things He does for you! —JK
“Do you know how the clouds hang in the sky? This is just one of the amazing works of the one who knows everything.” Job 37:16
PRAYER: God, thank You for the wonderful world You have made for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年1月25日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇84:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

美麗的地方  我和女兒開了好幾個小時的車去拜訪一些朋友。那時,我們坐在朋友家游泳池旁的露天陽台上,游泳池附近種了許多美麗的花,因為我住在沙漠地區,所以很喜歡欣賞花和綠樹。我閉上眼睛,想著這真是個平靜安寧的畫面。
 上帝喜愛美麗的地方,而如果我要上帝住在我裡面,我也需要活出美麗的生命。只要我順服上帝並且讓祂使用我去幫助別人,我就可以有一個美麗的生命。 —CC
「他從不留下一樣美好的事物不賜給行為正直的人。上主─萬軍的統帥,信靠你的人多麼有福啊!」 詩篇84:11b-12

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Beautiful Places
Bible Reading: Psalm 84:1-8
Friday, January 25, 2013

Beautiful Places  My daughter and I drove several hours to visit some friends. We sat on their patio near the swimming pool. Beautiful flowers were planted near the pool. I live in the desert, so I enjoyed looking at the flowers and green trees. I closed my eyes and thought about how peaceful it was.
 Verse 1 of Psalm 84 says, “Lord All-Powerful, the place where you live is so beautiful!” The writer of this psalm was talking about the temple in Jerusalem. It was truly a beautiful building.
 Someday Jesus will return and take us to live forever with God. That will be a beautiful place, too. The book of Revelation tells us that heaven will be a glorious place filled with gold and jewels (Revelation 21:11-23).
 God loves beautiful places. And if I want Him to live within me, I need to make my life beautiful, too. I can do that by obeying God and letting Him use me to help other people. —CC
“The Lord freely gives every good thing to those who do what is right. Lord All-Powerful, great blessings belong to those who trust in you!” Psalm 84:11b-12
PRAYER: Father, help me to make my life beautiful for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年1月24日 星期四
聖經閱讀:詩篇136:1-9 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的慈愛  看完了孫子的棒球比賽,我和先生正要回家,天色有點晚了,夕陽正要西下,紅霞漫天,真是美極了!這時,我的內心感到十分平安。
 今天,無論在生活中發生了什麼事,你要想一想上帝的慈愛是永遠長存的。 —DJH*
「要感謝萬神之神;他的慈愛永遠長存。要感謝萬主之主;他的慈愛永遠長存。惟有他行大神蹟;他的慈愛永遠長存。」 詩篇136:2-4

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God’s Love
Bible Reading: Psalm 136:1-9
Thursday, January 24, 2013

God’s Love  My husband and I were coming home from our grandson’s baseball game. It was late and the sun was setting. The sky was a brilliant orange. It was beautiful! I felt at peace.
 Then some dark clouds covered the sunset. Its beauty was gone. It made me feel sad. Soon the clouds faded, and I felt at peace once again.
 Sometimes my life is like that. When things are going well, I feel at peace. Then some problem comes into my life and things change. My peace is gone, and I feel sad.
 But there is something in my life and your life that never changes. It’s God’s love! Our Bible Reading tells us in verse 1, “Praise the Lord because he is good. His faithful love will last forever.” When I am sad and facing problems, I need to focus on God’s love. Then I will feel peaceful again.
 Whatever happens in your life today, think about God’s love. It will last forever! —DJH*
“Praise the God of gods! His faithful love will last forever. Praise the Lord of lords! His faithful love will last forever. Praise Him who alone does wonderful miracles! His faithful love will last forever.”
Psalm 136:2-4


on 2013年1月23日 星期三
聖經閱讀:詩篇86:1-17 現代中譯本|合和本

特別喜愛的事物  每個人都有「我的最愛」,也許你有特別愛吃的披薩或冰淇淋,也許你有特別喜歡去的度假聖地,或者你有特別愛喝的果汁或茶。
 今天的經文提到這世界上最棒的,就是上帝,它說:「主啊,沒有別的神比得上你;沒有別的神能夠有你的作為。」(第8節) 世上有很多人膜拜假神,而這些假神並沒有能力做那位獨一真神能做的事。上帝賜給了我們最美好的生命,這世上再也沒有什麼能跟上帝相比!
「主啊,你所造的萬民都要來敬拜你;他們也要榮耀你的名。你有大能,你成就奇事;惟有你是上帝。」 詩篇86:9-10

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Favorite Things
Bible Reading: Psalm 86:1-17
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Favorite Things  Every person has favorite things. Maybe you have a favorite kind of pizza or ice cream. Maybe you have a favorite place to go on a vacation. Or maybe you have a favorite kind of fruit juice or tea.
 Why are our favorite things so special? Because we like them the best. Nothing else can be as good as our favorite things. We think that pepperoni pizza and chocolate ice cream are the best in the world.
 Our Bible Reading today talks about something that is the best — God. “My Lord, there is no God like you. No one can do what you have done” (verse 7). Many people in the world worship false gods. But these gods cannot do what the one true God can do. God gives us the best life we could ever live. Nothing on earth compares to God!
 I am so thankful that I can worship God. He loves me, comforts me and forgives me. Thank God today for being so wonderful and powerful. —ZW
“My Lord, you made everyone. I wish they all would come worship you and honor your name. You are great and do amazing things. You and you alone are God.” Psalm 86:9-10
PRAYER: Dear God, You are so awesome. Thank You for loving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2013年1月22日 星期二
聖經閱讀:詩篇131:1-3 現代中譯本|合和本

寧靜時刻  今天,我們活在一個非常忙碌的世界中,我們總是從一個地方趕去另一個地方,很多人就忘記要花一些時間安靜下來並且專注於上帝。
「因為來來往往的人太多,耶穌和門徒連吃飯的時間也沒有,所以耶穌對他們說:『你們來,跟我私下到偏僻的地方去休息一會兒。』」 馬可福音6:31a

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Quiet Time
Bible Reading: Psalm 131:1-3
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Quiet Time  Today we live in a very busy world. We are always hurrying from one place to another. Many people forget to take time to be quiet and pay attention to God.
 In verse 2 of our Bible Reading, the writer says, “...right now I am calm and quiet, like a child after nursing, content in its mother’s arms.” That is a beautiful picture of how we should be with God. We should be satisfied to be His child and know that He will take care of us.
 The New Testament tells us that often Jesus went to a quiet place. He prayed and talked to God. Jesus especially did this when He needed to make an important decision or when He was facing a big problem.
 God wants us to talk to Him and pay attention to His Word, the Bible. That’s when we can learn the most from God. Get out of your busy schedule today and spend some quiet time with God. —NW
“Jesus and his followers were in a very busy place. There were so many people that he and his followers did not even have time to eat. He said to them, ‘Come with me. We will go to a quiet place to be alone.’” Mark 6:31a
PRAYER: Lord, I want to spend some time with You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.