
on 2016年3月16日 星期三
聖經閱讀:創世記22:1-12 現代中譯本|合和本

亞伯拉罕通過了上帝信心的考驗,而你對上帝的信心有多堅定呢? —DK

「天使說:『不要下手,不可傷害孩子!現在我知道你敬畏上帝;因為你沒有把自己的兒子,就是你的獨子,留住不給他。』」 創世記22:12

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God's Test
Bible Reading: Genesis 22:1-12
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

 I have a son and a daughter. I love them both very much. I cannot imagine killing either one of them. But in our Bible verses today, God told Abraham to kill his son, Isaac, and burn his body as a sacrifice to God! HOW AWFUL!
Abraham's faith in God was so strong that Abraham decided to obey God. He would kill his son! Can you believe it? Remember, Isaac was the son that God promised to Abraham and Sarah. God had promised that all nations would be blessed through Isaac. How could God keep His promise if Abraham killed Isaac? Abraham must have decided that God can keep His promises, no matter what happens.
Abraham obeyed God. He built an altar, tied up Isaac and then raised his knife to kill Isaac. “But the angel of the Lord stopped him” (verse 11a).
Abraham passed God's test of faith. How strong is your faith in God? —DK

“The angel said, ‘Don't kill your son or hurt him in any way. Now I see that you do respect and obey God. I see that you are ready to kill your son, your only son, for me.'” Genesis 22:12
PRAYER: Lord, You always make things okay for people who have faith in You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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