宣教士 (6)

on 2016年2月28日 星期日
宣教士 (6)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳16:16-40 現代中譯本|合和本


就算保羅和西拉身在監牢裡,他們仍然讚美上帝。當向人傳講上帝時,我希望你會一直讚美祂。 —JK

「他和全家滿有喜樂,因為他們都信了上帝。」 使徒行傳16:34b

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Missionaries (6)
Bible Reading: Acts 16:16-40
Sunday, February 28, 2016

The next missionary we will talk about is Paul. Paul traveled to many cities to tell people about Jesus. The book of Acts tells us about Paul's travels.
One time Paul was traveling with Silas. They removed a demon from a young girl. The men who owned this girl became upset. They had Paul and Silas put in jail. While Paul and Silas were in jail, they prayed and sang praises to God. “Suddenly there was an earthquake...All the doors of the jail opened” (verse 26). Paul and Silas were freed from their chains.
The jailer was scared that Paul and Silas had escaped. But the jailer saw that Paul and Silas had not escaped. He took Paul and Silas to his home. Paul and Silas told the jailer and his family about Jesus. Verse 33b says that “the jailer and all his people were baptized.”

Paul and Silas praised God, even though they were in jail. I hope that you will continue to praise God as you tell other people about Him. —JK

“All the people were very happy because they now believed in God.” Acts 16:34b
PRAYER: Dear God, I praise You and thank You for all You have done for me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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