宣教士 (7)

on 2016年2月29日 星期一
宣教士 (7)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳20:7-12 現代中譯本|合和本


上帝賜給保羅行奇妙神蹟的能力,這些神蹟幫助眾人相信保羅所講的道。今天我們可以在聖經中讀到這些神蹟,這幫助我們相信上帝的大能。 — JK

「他們把那年輕人活活的送回家,大家都大受安慰。」 使徒行傳20:12

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Missionaries (7)
Bible Reading: Acts 20:7-12
Monday, February 29, 2016

Many wonderful things happened while Paul was a missionary. Our Bible Reading today tells us about the time he was in the city of Troas. Paul preached to a group of people. These people met together to share the Lord's Supper.
Verse 9 tells us what happened. “There was a young man named Eutychus sitting in the window. Paul continued talking, and Eutychus became very, very sleepy. Finally, he went to sleep and fell out of the window. He fell to the ground from the third floor. When the people went down and lifted him up, he was dead.” That was a terrible thing that happened! But the next verse tells us that Paul raised Eutychus from the dead. The people must have been happy and amazed.

God gave Paul the ability to do wonderful miracles. These miracles helped people believe the message Paul preached. Today we can read about these miracles in the Bible. This helps us believe that God is powerful. —JK

“The Lord's followers took Eutychus home alive, and they were all greatly comforted.” Acts 20:12
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know that You are powerful. Thank You for the miracles in the Bible. In Jesus' name. Amen.

宣教士 (6)

on 2016年2月28日 星期日
宣教士 (6)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳16:16-40 現代中譯本|合和本


就算保羅和西拉身在監牢裡,他們仍然讚美上帝。當向人傳講上帝時,我希望你會一直讚美祂。 —JK

「他和全家滿有喜樂,因為他們都信了上帝。」 使徒行傳16:34b

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Missionaries (6)
Bible Reading: Acts 16:16-40
Sunday, February 28, 2016

The next missionary we will talk about is Paul. Paul traveled to many cities to tell people about Jesus. The book of Acts tells us about Paul's travels.
One time Paul was traveling with Silas. They removed a demon from a young girl. The men who owned this girl became upset. They had Paul and Silas put in jail. While Paul and Silas were in jail, they prayed and sang praises to God. “Suddenly there was an earthquake...All the doors of the jail opened” (verse 26). Paul and Silas were freed from their chains.
The jailer was scared that Paul and Silas had escaped. But the jailer saw that Paul and Silas had not escaped. He took Paul and Silas to his home. Paul and Silas told the jailer and his family about Jesus. Verse 33b says that “the jailer and all his people were baptized.”

Paul and Silas praised God, even though they were in jail. I hope that you will continue to praise God as you tell other people about Him. —JK

“All the people were very happy because they now believed in God.” Acts 16:34b
PRAYER: Dear God, I praise You and thank You for all You have done for me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

宣教士 (5)

on 2016年2月27日 星期六
宣教士 (5)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳12:1-17 現代中譯本|合和本


上帝照顧彼得,聖經中充滿了上帝如何照顧那些愛祂並且順服祂的人的故事。有時候當宣教士是一件困難的事,但是你必須記住上帝會一直照顧你。 不要害怕去向人傳講耶穌,要倚靠上帝的力量和保護。 —JK

「他……向他們解釋主怎樣帶他出了監獄。彼得又吩咐他們把消息告訴雅各和信徒們」 使徒行傳12:17b

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Missionaries (5)
Bible Reading: Acts 12:1-17
Saturday, February 27, 2016

 It is not easy to be a missionary. Sometimes people do bad things to missionaries. Why? Because these people want the missionaries to stop teaching about Jesus. Our Bible verses today tell us that King Herod did bad things to some Christians. He arrested Peter and put him in jail. King Herod had 16 soldiers guard Peter.
An angel came to Peter while he was in jail. The angel helped Peter escape from jail. In verse 11b Peter said, “Now I know that the Lord really sent his angel to me. He rescued me from Herod and from everything those Jews thought would happen to me.”

God took care of Peter. The Bible is full of stories about how God took care of people who loved and obeyed Him. Sometimes it is difficult to be a missionary. But you need to remember God will always take care of you. Don't be afraid to tell people about Jesus. Depend on God's strength and protection. —JK

“He explained to them how the Lord led him out of jail. He said, ‘Tell James and the other brothers what happened.'” Acts 12:17b
PRAYER: Father, I know that You will give me strength and protect me as I share about Jesus with others. In His name. Amen.

宣教士 (4)

on 2016年2月26日 星期五
宣教士 (4)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳10:34-48 現代中譯本|合和本


在這件事之前,彼得只對猶太人講道,現在他也對外邦人傳福音。也許你有朋友需要認識耶穌,今天就去向他傳講耶穌吧! —JK

「那些……猶太信徒,看見上帝把聖靈的恩賜也傾注給外邦人,都很驚訝。」 使徒行傳10:45

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Missionaries (4)
Bible Reading: Acts 10:34-48
Friday, February 26, 2016

 At first, God's plan of salvation was only for the Jews. But after Jesus died and arose, God wanted His salvation to be for both Jews and non-Jews. God spoke to Peter in a dream and told him he should tell the Good News to non-Jews, too.
Then Peter went to see a non-Jew named Cornelius and told him about Jesus. Peter said he had seen Jesus' miracles and His resurrection from the dead. Then God sent His Holy Spirit on Cornelius and the people who were listening to Peter.

In verses 47-48a Peter said, “‘How can anyone object to these people being baptized in water? They have received the Holy Spirit the same as we did!' So Peter told them to baptize Cornelius and his relatives and friends in the name of Jesus Christ.”
Before that time, Peter had only preached to Jews. Now he preached to non-Jews, too. Maybe you have a friend who needs to know about Jesus. Share Jesus with that person today! —JK

“The Jewish believers...were amazed that the Holy Spirit was poured out as a gift also to people who were not Jews.” Acts 10:45
PRAYER: God, thank You for giving me the courage to share about Jesus with my friends. In His name. Amen.

宣教士 (3)

on 2016年2月25日 星期四
宣教士 (3)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳9:32-43 現代中譯本|合和本

彼得行了神蹟,但是他傳講的信息跟我們的是一樣的──因為耶穌的死和復活,才使我們的罪得赦免。今天就去向人傳講這個美好的消息! —JK

「所有住在呂大和沙崙的人都看見了他,他們就都歸信了主。」 使徒行傳9:35

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Missionaries (3)
Bible Reading: Acts 9:32-43
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Peter was a missionary, too. Our Bible Reading tells us that he traveled to the cities of Lydda and Joppa. Peter told people about Jesus.
While Peter was in Lydda, he met a man who was paralyzed. His name was Aeneas. Verse 33b tells us that Aeneas “had not been able to get out of bed for the past eight years.” Peter healed Aeneas, and he was able to walk again. This was something that could only happen with God's power. Because of this miracle, many people believed in Jesus.
Our Bible verses also tell us about Tabitha. She was a woman who did kind things for other people. But Tabitha became sick and died. Peter made Tabitha alive again. “People everywhere in Joppa learned about this, and many believed in the Lord” (verse 42).
Peter did miracles, but his message was the same as our message — that Jesus died and rose again so we can have our sins forgiven. Tell someone this wonderful news today! —JK

“All the people living in Lydda and on the plain of Sharon saw him, and they decided to follow the Lord.” Acts 9:35
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, show me people that I can tell about Jesus today. In His name. Amen.

宣教士 (2)

on 2016年2月24日 星期三
宣教士 (2)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳8:26-40 現代中譯本|合和本

腓利是一位宣教士,他向許多人傳揚耶穌的福音,不論腓利去哪裡,他都宣講透過耶穌而來的救恩。我們應該要像腓利,向我們今天遇見的人傳講耶穌──雜貨店的收銀員、郵差,以及我們的鄰居。 —JK

「腓利就開口,從這一段經文開始,向他講解關於耶穌的福音的事。」 使徒行傳8:35

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Missionaries (2)
Bible Reading: Acts 8:26-40
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

 Acts 6:5 tells us about seven men who were chosen to help the early church in Jerusalem. One of those men was Philip. Our Bible Reading today tells us that an angel told Philip to go to a road that led to Jerusalem. There Philip met a man from Ethiopia. This man was reading from the Old Testament book of Isaiah, but he did not understand what he was reading. So Philip explained that the verses were talking about Jesus.
Philip told the man more about Jesus. Then in verse 36b the man said, “Look, here is water! What is stopping me from being baptized?” Philip baptized the man, and the man “was very happy” (verse 39b).
Philip was a missionary. He shared the Good News about Jesus with many people. Wherever Philip went, he talked about salvation through Jesus. We should be like Philip. We should share Jesus with people we meet today — the cashier at the grocery store, the person who delivers our mail and our neighbors. —JK

“Philip began to speak. He started with this same Scripture and told the man the Good News about Jesus.” Acts 8:35
PRAYER: God, I want to be like Philip and tell others about Jesus. In His name. Amen.

宣教士 (1)

on 2016年2月23日 星期二
宣教士 (1)
聖經閱讀:路加福音4:40-44 現代中譯本|合和本


耶穌也要你認識福音,請研讀聖經來更認識耶穌為你所作的犧牲。 —JK

「人子來是要尋找和拯救迷失的人。」 路加福音19:10

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Missionaries (1)
Bible Reading: Luke 4:40-44
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

 The word “mission” means a special job. So a missionary is a person who does a special job. The Bible tells us about many people who were missionaries. These people told others the Good News about Jesus. Today and for the next few days, we will look at some of these missionaries.

The first missionary we will talk about is Jesus. Jesus used His whole life to share the Good News with other people. This Good News was that He would die for sinners and then rise again.
Jesus shared the Good News in several ways. First, Jesus did many miracles that showed He was powerful and that He was truly God's Son. Second, Jesus taught about God's plan for His life on earth. Jesus told His followers that His job was to come and die for sinners. In verse 43b of our Bible Reading Jesus said, “I must tell the Good News about God's kingdom to other towns too. This is why I was sent.”
Jesus wants you to know the Good News, too. Study the Bible and learn more about Jesus' sacrifice for you. —JK

“The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them.” Luke 19:10
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You so much for Your Son, Jesus. In His name. Amen.


on 2016年2月22日 星期一
聖經閱讀:創世記6:5-22 現代中譯本|合和本

我們必須具備信心來領受上帝的救恩,然後上帝也期待我們的信心天天成長。要學像挪亞--倚靠上帝和祂的應許。 —JD*

「那麼,信心是甚麼呢?信心是對所盼望的事有把握,對不能看見的事能肯定。」 希伯來書11:1

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Noah's Faith
Bible Reading: Genesis 6:5-22
Monday, February 22, 2016

Our Bible verses today tell us about Noah. He lived at a time when there were a lot of evil things happening on earth. But “Noah pleased the Lord” (verse 8). Noah “was a good man all his life, and he always followed God” (verse 9b).
God told Noah to build a big boat. Why? Because He was going to send a terrible flood over all the earth. Noah built the boat, just as God told him to do. Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives, and many animals went into the boat and were safe.
Hebrews 11:7 tells us more about Noah and his faith. “Noah was warned by God about things that he could not yet see. But he had faith and respect for God, so he built a large boat to save his family. With his faith, Noah showed that the world was wrong. And he became one of those who are made right with God through faith.”
We must have faith to receive God's gift of salvation. Then God expects us to grow in our faith every day. Be like Noah — depend on God and His promises. —JD*

“Faith is what makes real the things we hope for. It is proof of what we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1
PRAYER: Dear God, help my faith to grow every day. In Jesus' name. Amen.


on 2016年2月21日 星期日
聖經閱讀:以賽亞書43:1-5a 現代中譯本|合和本


我是上帝的孩子,當我害怕時,祂消除我的恐懼並告訴我不要害怕。經文閱讀的第1b節跟我們談到上帝對以色列人說的話: 「不要怕,我要保護你;我指名呼喚你,你屬於我。」
當生病、失去工作或心愛的人去世時,我們也許會感到害怕。上帝已經知道什麼會使我們害怕,而且祂關心我們: 「在我眼中,你多麼寶貴;我愛你,我看重你。」(第4a節)。
也許今天你正感到害怕或憂慮,上帝會與你同在並且安慰你,祂會保護你並且賜給你力量。今天就將你的憂慮與恐懼交託給祂。 —PD

「因此,你們不要為明天憂慮,明天自有明天的憂慮;一天的難處一天擔當就夠了。」 馬太福音6:34

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Don't Be Afraid
Bible Reading: Isaiah 43:1-5a
Sunday, February 21, 2016

 No one has to teach a child to be afraid. Babies are often afraid of loud noises, strangers or being alone. Loving parents protect their children and tell them not to be afraid. When a child is afraid, their mother or father holds them in their arms and comforts them.

I am God's child. When I am afraid, He calms my fears and tells me not to be afraid. Verse 1b of our Bible Reading tells us what God said to the Israelites. “Don't be afraid. I saved you. I named you. You are mine.”
We may become afraid when we are sick or lose our job or a loved one dies. God already knows what makes us afraid, and He cares about us. “You are precious to me, and I have given you a special place of honor. I love you” (verse 4a).
Maybe you are afraid or worried today. God will be with you and comfort you. He will protect you and give you strength. Give Him your worries and your fears today. —PD

“So don't worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Tomorrow will have its own worries.” Matthew 6:34
PRAYER: Dear Father, I know that I can trust You to be with me now and in the future. In Jesus' name. Amen.


on 2016年2月20日 星期六
聖經閱讀:詩篇106:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

今天就告訴上帝祂是多麽的奇妙!感謝祂賜下救贖的恩典。 —GT

「你能了解上帝的奧祕嗎?你能測透全能者的計劃嗎?它像天空無邊無際,你無能為力;它像陰間那麼深遠。」 約伯記11:7-8a

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Bible Reading: Psalm 106:1-5
Saturday, February 20, 2016

 I can't explain how wonderful and forgiving God is! It doesn’t matter if I use fancy words or signs, I still cannot describe Him.
God is marvelous, tremendous and magnificent. But even those words can't describe God. I wonder if there is even a way to accurately tell about God.
The writer of Psalm 106 must have felt the same way. In verse 2 he wrote, “No one can describe how great the Lord really is. No one can praise him enough.” I agree with those words. God is beyond description! We can never praise Him enough.
But what is truly amazing is that our wonderful God wants to be with us. He wants to live with us forever! Through God's grace and Jesus' sacrifice, we can live forever with them.
Tell God today how wonderful He is. Thank Him for His gift of salvation. —GT

“Do you think you really understand God? Do you completely understand God All-Powerful? That knowledge is higher than the heavens and deeper than the place of death.” Job 11:7-8a
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You are truly indescribable! Thank You for salvation through Jesus. In His name. Amen.