聖經閱讀:路加福音15:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本
今天的聖經閱讀告訴我們一個牧羊人失去一隻羊的故事。牧羊人四處尋找那隻羊,當他找到牠時,就把羊帶回家;每個人都很高興那隻羊被找回了。 在這個故事裡,這隻羊代表不認識耶穌的人,牧羊人是去分享耶穌福音的基督徒,而跟牧羊人一同歡慶的朋友則是其他的基督徒。 當迷失的羊被找回時,這個牧羊人和他的朋友都很喜樂。同樣的「一個罪人的悔改,在天上的喜樂要比已經有了九十九個無需悔改的義人所有的喜樂還大呢!」(第7b節)。 你想要快樂並讓其他人也快樂嗎?那麼今天就去向人傳講耶穌和祂的救恩!—BL 「帶回家去,然後邀請朋友鄰居,對他們說:『來跟我一起慶祝吧,我那隻迷失的羊兒已經找著了!』」 路加福音15:6
(姜冠群譯) |
Bible Reading: Luke 15:1-7
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Our Bible Reading today tells us about a shepherd who lost one sheep. The shepherd searched for the sheep. When the shepherd found the sheep, he brought it home. Everyone was happy because the sheep was found. In this story, the sheep represents a person who does not know Jesus. The shepherd is a Christian who shares the Good News about Jesus. The friends who celebrate with the shepherd are other Christians. The shepherd and his friends were joyful when the lost sheep was found. In the same way, “heaven is a happy place when one sinner decides to change. There is more joy for that one sinner than for 99 good people who don’t need to change” (verse 7b). Do you want to be happy and make other people happy, too? Then tell someone about Jesus and His gift of salvation today! —BL “And when you find it, you will be very happy. You will carry it home, go to your friends and neighbors and say to them, ‘Be happy with me because I found my lost sheep!’” Luke 15:6-7a
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to have compassion for people who do not know Jesus. Help me to share Jesus with them. In His name. Amen. |
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