
on 2016年4月26日 星期二
聖經閱讀:詩篇139:1-24 現代中譯本|合和本

今天就花一些時間跟上帝說話,求祂察驗你的心思意念,使你知道生命中的罪,讓上帝幫助你成為一個靈性健康的人。 —CW*

「上主要作求你看看我有沒有狂妄的思想;求你引導我走永生的道路。」 詩篇139:24

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Spiritually Healthy
Bible Reading: Psalm 139:1-24
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

 Recently my husband went to the doctor for his yearly check-up. The doctor thoroughly examined my husband. After the tests were complete, the doctor said that my husband was healthy. That made us very happy.
It is important that we keep our bodies physically healthy. But it is even more important that we are spiritually healthy. In our Bible Reading, the writer of this psalm shows us how we can examine ourselves for good spiritual health.
First, we need to ask God to search our hearts and minds to see if we have any worries or problems. “God, examine me and know my mind. Test me and know all my worries” (verse 23). Second, we should ask God to show us if we are growing closer to Him each day.
Take time today to talk with God. Ask Him to search your heart and mind and show you areas of sin in your life. Allow God to help you be spiritually healthy. —CW*

“Make sure that I am not going the wrong way. Lead me on the path that has always been right.” Psalm 139:24
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to be spiritually healthy and stay close to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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