在今天閱讀的經文中,保羅列出在他的宣教事工中,曾經幫助他、鼓勵他的人。今天就想一想自己的生命,要感謝上帝賜下那些幫助你成長、使你更親近祂的人。 —JK

Cleaning Day (2)
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Saturday, April 30, 2016
While we were cleaning the Deaf Missions building, we found many old papers and pictures. These things were reminders of how Deaf Missions has grown through the years and how God has blessed us. It was good for the Deaf Missions staff to remember how God has used many staff members, hundreds of volunteers and thousands of donors to make Deaf Missions successful.
The second thing I learned is that it is important for Christians to look back on their lives and see how God has helped them grow and change. You can probably remember several people or events that encouraged you to follow Jesus or helped you grow as a Christian.
In our Bible verses today, Paul listed people who helped him and encouraged him in his ministry. Think about your life today and thank God for people who helped you grow and be closer to Him. —JK
“I know I am right to think like this about all of you because you are so close to my heart. This is because you have all played such an important part in God's grace to me.”
Philippians 1:7a
PRAYER: Father, thank You for people who helped me be a strong Christian. In Jesus' name. Amen.