上帝的計畫 (2)

on 2015年8月9日 星期日
上帝的計畫 (2)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳9:1-22 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的計畫 (2)  如果我們相信耶穌是上帝的兒子,那麼上帝就希望我們改變生活方式,祂希望我們將罪惡的生活改變為順服的生活,這就叫作「悔改」。
 也許你相信耶穌,但是你有真心悔改嗎?你要將罪惡的生活改變成一個充滿對上帝順服的生活。 -ECW
「但是,掃羅的講道反而更有力量;他用堅強的論據證明耶穌是基督,使大馬士革的猶太人無法辯駁。」 使徒行傳9:22

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God's Plan (2)
Bible Reading: Acts 9:1-22
Sunday, August 9, 2015

God's Plan (2)  If we believe that Jesus is God's Son, then God wants us to change the way we live. He wants us to change from a life of sin to a life of obedience. That is called “repentance.”
 Our Bible Reading today is about Saul. He did not believe in Jesus, so he wanted to arrest people who were following Jesus. As Saul was traveling, Jesus appeared to him. Saul learned about Jesus and finally believed that he was truly God's Son.
 Then Saul did something wonderful — he repented! He changed from hurting Christians to becoming a Christian. The rest of the book of Acts tells us that Saul spent the rest of his life sharing the Good News about Jesus with others.
 Maybe you believe in Jesus, but have you truly repented? Change from a life of sin to a life filled with obedience to God. —ECW
“And Saul become more and more powerful in proving that Jesus is the Messiah. His proofs were so strong that the Jews who lived in Damascus could not argue with him.” Acts 9:22
PRAYER: God, I want to stop sinning and follow You. Help me to leave my old life of sin and live for Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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