聖經閱讀:使徒行傳10:34-48 現代中譯本|合和本
上帝對你的生命有一個計畫,祂要你跟隨祂並且順服祂。今天和接下來的幾天,我們要來看看上帝希望我們做的幾件事,如果我們去做這些事,上帝就會在我們的生命中動工,我們將能夠與祂同享永生。 在今天閱讀的經文中,彼得跟一個名叫哥尼流的人說話,哥尼流不是猶太人,但是他愛上帝、敬拜上帝。彼得告訴哥尼流和他的家人,耶穌死在十字架上又復活了,在第43a節,彼得說:「凡信他的,都可以藉著他的名蒙赦罪。」 上帝希望我們相信耶穌,祂希望我們相信耶穌是祂的獨生子,並且死在十字架上為要拯救我們。當我們相信了耶穌,就能更認識祂並且知道祂如何赦免我們的罪。 今天就相信耶穌、為祂而活並且去向人傳講祂。-ECW 「他命令我們把福音傳給人民,證明他就是上帝所立、作為活人和死人的審判者的。」 使徒行傳10:42
(林威妮譯) |
God's Plan (1)
Bible Reading: Acts 10:34-48
Saturday, August 8, 2015
God has a plan for your life. He wants you to follow and obey Him. Today and for the next few days we will look at some things God wants us to do. If we do these things, God will work in our lives and we will be able to share eternity with Him. In our Bible verses, Peter is speaking to a man named Cornelius. Cornelius was not a Jew, but he loved and worshiped God. Peter told Cornelius and his family that Jesus died on the cross and rose again. In verse 43a, Peter said, “Everyone who believes in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name.” God want us to believe in Jesus. He wants us to believe that Jesus is His only Son and that He died on the cross to save us. When we believe in Jesus, we are ready to learn more about Him and how He can forgive our sins. Believe in Jesus today. Live for Him and tell other people about Him. —ECW “Jesus told us to go and speak to the people. He told us to tell them that he is the one God chose to be the Judge of all who are living and all who have died.” Acts 10:42
PRAYER: God, thank You for Jesus and Your plan of salvation for us. In His name. Amen. |
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