
on 2015年3月23日 星期一
聖經閱讀:約翰福音15:12-15 現代中譯本|合和本

朋友  好朋友是很重要的。我有一個認識多年的朋友,每次打電話給她時,她總是很快樂。我們會彼此代禱,也分享喜樂和困難。
 耶穌也是我們的朋友,祂願意為了我們的罪死在十字架、接受刑罰。這才是真實的友誼! —TS
「正如父親愛我,我愛你們;你們要常生活在我的愛中。你們若遵守我的命令,你們會常生活在我的愛中,正像我遵守我父親的命令,而常在他的愛中一樣。」 約翰福音15:9-10

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Bible Reading: John 15:12-15
Monday, March 23, 201

Friends  Good friends are very important. I have a friend who has been in my life for many years. She is always happy when I call her. We pray for each other and share our joys and troubles.
 Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a tells us why it is good to have a friend. “Two people are better than one. When two people work together, they get more work done. If one person falls, the other person can reach out to help.”
 In our Bible Reading today, Jesus talked about friends. He told His disciples, “The greatest love people can show is to die for their friends” (verse 13). Jesus told His disciples that He was their friend. “But now I call you friends, because I have told you everything that my Father told me” (verse 15b).
 Jesus is our friend, too. He was willing to die on the cross and accept the punishment for our sins. That is true friendship! —TS
“I have loved you as the Father has loved me. Now continue in my love. I have obeyed my Father’s commands, and he continues to love me. In the same way, if you obey my commands, I will continue to love you.” John 15:9-10
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for my friend, Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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