聖經閱讀:彌迦書5:2-4 現代中譯本|合和本
聖經談到許多對比,不認識上帝的人常被比作黑暗,而耶穌則是世上的光;耶穌說,人若要為大,他們就必須先在祂的國度裡為小。 在耶穌誕生的故事裡也有許多對比。耶穌是萬王之王,但祂出生時,卻是被「放在馬槽裏」(路加福音2:7)。最早聽聞耶穌降生消息的人不是名人、也不富有──他們只是謙卑的牧羊人。 在今天的經文閱讀中,我們看到另一個關於耶穌誕生的對比。第2節說:「以法他地區的伯利恆啊,在猶大諸城中,你是一個小城」。我們會期待上帝的兒子誕生在一個大又重要的城市裡,但耶穌卻是出生在一個小鎮之中。 然而,在所有對比中最為奇妙的是,聖潔的耶穌願意為像是你和我這樣充滿罪惡的人來受死。感謝上帝賜下祂的救贖恩典! —BL 「我們要感謝上帝!他有無法形容的恩典!」 哥林多後書9:15
(江惠蓉譯) |
Bible Reading: Micah 5:2-4
Monday, March 16, 2015
The Bible talks about many opposites. People who don't know God are compared to darkness. But Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus says that if someone wants to become great, they need to be the least in His kingdom. There are also many opposites in the story about Jesus' birth. Jesus is the King of Kings, yet when He was born, He was laid in a “box where cattle are fed” (Luke 2:7). The first people who heard about Jesus' birth were not famous or rich — they were humble shepherds. In our Bible Reading today we see another opposite about Jesus' birth. Verse 2 says, “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, are the smallest town in Judah.” We would expect God's Son to be born in a big and important city, but Jesus was born in a small town. But the most wonderful opposite of all is that Jesus, who is holy and pure, was willing to die for sinful people like you and me. Thank God for His gift of salvation! —BL “Thanks be to God for his gift that is too wonderful to describe.”2 Corinthians 9:15
PRAYER: Father, thank You for loving me enough to send Jesus to die. In His name. Amen. |
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