
on 2015年3月15日 星期日
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳18:1-3 現代中譯本|合和本

基督徒朋友  彼此團契對基督徒來說是很重要的。在使徒行傳第2章,我們讀到耶路撒冷的基督徒每天都花時間相聚。
「他們…參加團契生活,分享愛筵,一起禱告。」 使徒行傳2:42

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Christian Friends
Bible Reading: Acts 18:1-3
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Christian Friends  It is very important for Christians to fellowship with one another. In Acts, chapter 2, we read that the Christians in Jerusalem spent time with each other every day.
 I have many wonderful Christian friends. Some of my Christian friends are people who have the same interests as I do. In our Bible Reading today, we learn that Paul traveled to the city of Corinth. There he met Aquila and his wife, Priscilla. They were tentmakers, just like Paul. So Paul “stayed with them and worked with them” (verse 3b).
 Paul continued to work with Aquila and Priscilla to spread the Good News about Jesus. In Romans 16:3, Paul said about Aquila and Priscilla, “They risked their own lives to save mine.” Wow – they were really good Christian friends!
 Think about your Christian friends. Do you share with each other and help each other grow closer to God? Pray for your Christian friends today. Spend time with them and work together for God’s church. —JK
“The believers...shared everything with each other. They ate together and prayed together.” Acts 2:42
PRAYER: Father, thank You for my Christian friends. I want to love and encourage them today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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