聖經閱讀:路加福音23:32-38 現代中譯本|合和本
不久之後,全世界的基督徒就要慶祝耶穌死而復活的日子。接下來的幾天,我們要來談耶穌的死和祂的復活。 想像一下你有一個兒子,他是你的獨生子,你非常愛他。這個兒子從來沒有做錯任何事,他長大成為謙卑、誠實、仁慈、喜歡幫助人、很棒的一個人。現在,想像人們取笑你的兒子,他們把你的兒子帶到法官面前,那個法官說你的兒子必須受死。 想像你看著所有這發生的一切,你的心碎了。然後,當那些人開始要殺害你的兒子時,他卻對你說:「這些人並不知道自己在做什麼,請你饒恕他們吧。」 哇!要饒恕那些人是一件非常困難的事情,但是上帝,耶穌的父親,卻饒恕了殺害耶穌的人。 上帝也想要饒恕你,今天就求祂赦免你。 —DK 「你們若饒恕別人的過錯,你們的天父也會饒恕你們。」 馬太福音6:14
(江惠蓉譯) |
Bible Reading: Luke 23:32-38
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Soon Christians around the world will celebrate the day that Jesus arose from the dead. For the next few days we will talk about Jesus’ death and His resurrection. Imagine that you have a son. He is your only child. You love him so much. This son never does anything wrong. He grows up to be a humble, honest, kind, helpful, wonderful man. Now imagine that people tease your son. They bring your son before a judge. The judge says that your son must die. Imagine that you watch all this happen. Your heart is breaking. Then, when the people start to kill your son, he says to you, “These people don’t understand what they are doing. Please forgive them.” Wow! It would be very hard to forgive those people. But God, Who is Jesus’ Father, forgave the people who killed Jesus. God wants to forgive you, too. Ask Him to forgive you today. —DK “Yes, if you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, then your Father in heaven will also forgive your wrongs.” Matthew 6:14
PRAYER: Dear God, You are more wonderful than I can understand. Thank You for Your forgiveness. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |