
on 2016年7月11日 星期一
聖經閱讀:羅馬書1:18-23 現代中譯本|合和本

今天就選擇尊榮上帝,讓祂天天領帶你。 —JP

「人的不虔不義蒙蔽了真理,上帝就從天上啟示他的義憤。上帝懲罰他們;因為關於他的事,人可以知道的,已經清清楚楚地擺在他們眼前,是上帝親自向他們顯明的。」 羅馬書1:18-19

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Honor God
Bible Reading: Romans 1:18-23
Monday, July 11, 2016

 In our world today, many people do bad things and do not honor God. But this is not the first generation to reject God. For thousands of years, people have refused to believe in God.
In our Bible verses, Paul tells us that God has always shown Himself to people through His creation. All we need to do is look around us and we can understand how powerful and creative God is. “But since the beginning of the world, those things have been easy for people to understand. They are made clear in what God has made” (verse 20b). Paul ends that verse by saying, “So people have no excuse for the evil they do.”
Every day we have a choice. We can look at creation and honor God for what He has done. Or we can ignore God and trust things in the world.
Choose today to honor God and let Him lead you every day. —JP*

“God shows his anger from heaven against all the evil and wrong things that people do...This makes God angry because they have been shown what he is like. Yes, God has made it clear to them.” Romans 1:18-19
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to honor You. Thank You for making me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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