
on 2016年6月25日 星期六

上帝擊退了埃及軍隊,讓以色列人能夠安全通過紅海。上帝也會幫助我們──就像祂幫助以色列人一樣。我們唯一要做的事就是信靠上帝,祂會照顧我們並賜給我們所需的一切。 -LHD

「要站穩,今天你們要看見上主怎樣救你們。」 出埃及記14:13b

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God Fights for Us
Bible Reading: Exodus 14:13-18
Saturday, June 25, 2016

 When I was in school, I worked hard to get good grades. One semester I took a typing class. I thought that I would get an A- for the class but my teacher gave me a B+. I told my friend that I was disappointed and why I thought I deserved an A-.
My friend talked with my teacher and showed her why I should have an A-. The teacher patiently listened and then decided to change my grade to an A-. My friend fought for my better grade. I did nothing at all.
Our Bible verses tell us about when the Israelites left Egypt. The Egyptian army chased the Israelites to the Red Sea. The Israelites were trapped, and they were afraid. But Moses said, “Don't be afraid...You will not have to do anything but stay calm. The Lord will do the fighting for you” (verses 13-14).
God defeated the Egyptian army, and the Israelites were able to cross the Red Sea safely. God will help us, too — just like He helped the Israelites. All we need to do is trust God. He will take care of us and give us what we need. —LHD

“Stand where you are and watch the Lord save you today.” Exodus 14:13b
PRAYER: God, fill me with Your peace and help me to always depend on You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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