
on 2016年1月29日 星期五
聖經閱讀:雅各書5:13-18 現代中譯本|合和本


今天就花時間禱告吧!為世界上還不認識耶穌的人禱告,也為遇到困難、病痛中的基督徒禱告,上帝會留心聆聽你的禱告! —MC*

「義人的禱告有很大的功效。」 雅各書5:16b

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Power of Prayer
Bible Reading: James 5:13-18
Friday, January 29, 2016

 I went to an international conference on missions. There they had a “wall of prayer.” Written on a wall were the names of different countries and missions around the world.
I was very touched to read about all the missions in the world. I prayed for people in these countries who do not know Jesus. I prayed especially for people in my home country of Chile. I want people in Chile to know about Jesus and His wonderful gift of salvation.

Our Bible verses today show us that prayer is very important. James gives the example of Elijah who prayed for rain, and it happened. James also reminds us that we should pray when we are having troubles, when we are sick, or when we are struggling with sin.

Spend time in prayer today. Pray for people around the world who do not know Jesus. And pray for Christians who have problems or are sick. God will pay attention to your prayers! —MC*

“Anyone who lives the way God wants can pray, and great things will happen.” James 5:16b
PRAYER: Father, thank You that I can pray to You every day. And thank You for always paying attention to my prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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