
on 2013年2月15日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇78:12-25 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的教導  在我們的生命中,上帝給我們上了很多課,但有時候我們並沒有從這些課程中有所學習,所以我們就一再犯同樣的錯誤。
 在今天的經文中,作者告訴我們上帝為以色列民所做的奇妙事情:上帝分開紅海,並且每天帶領他們,然後上帝從岩石供應他們水喝。但是,以色列民並沒有信靠上帝,他們反而說:「他固然擊打磐石,使水如泉滾滾湧出;可是他也能夠供給我們糧食、為他的子民預備肉食嗎?」(第20節) 這些人並沒有學到「上帝是信實的」。
「他們忘記了他的作為,忘記了他顯給他們看的神蹟。」 詩篇78:11

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Lessons from God
Bible Reading: Psalm 78:12-25
Friday, February 15, 2013

Lessons from God  God teaches us many lessons throughout our lives. But sometimes we fail to learn from these lessons. Then we keep making the same mistakes again and again.
 In our verses today, the writer tells us about the wonderful things God did for the Israelites. God parted the Red Sea, and He led them every day. Then God gave them water from a rock. But instead of trusting God, the Israelites said (verse 20), “Yes, he struck the rock and a flood of water came out. But can he give us bread and meat?” These people had not learned the lesson about God’s faithfulness.
 I have a friend who is always worried about the future. He tells me about the wonderful things God has done in his life. But my friend hasn’t learned that God will take care of him in the future, too.
 It is important for us to learn from the Israelites. Instead of questioning God, we should think about the wonderful things He has done. Then we should feel safe, knowing that God will continue to love and protect us. —SH*
“They forgot the great things he had done and the amazing things he had shown them.” Psalm 78:11
PRAYER: God, I know that You will always take care of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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