聖經裡的動物 (7)

on 2016年5月21日 星期六
聖經裡的動物 (7)
聖經閱讀:出埃及記35:20-29 現代中譯本|合和本

這個故事讓我印象最深刻的是,以色列人奉獻很多,而他們的奉獻是出於自願。這對現今的基督徒是一門很好的功課,我們可以將金錢奉獻給教會和福音事工,或者我們可以奉獻時間去服事其他基督徒,但是無論我們奉獻什麼,都應該是出於自願。我們不應該是被迫奉獻,而是因為我們甘心樂意奉獻。奉獻給上帝的時候要感到開心,也要樂意將你最好的獻給祂。 —JK

「所有以色列人…都甘心樂意地把禮物帶來,奉獻給上主。」 出埃及記35:29a

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Bible Reading: Exodus 35:20-29
Bible Reading: Exodus 35:20-29
Saturday, May 21, 2016

God told Moses to make a Holy Tent where the Israelites could worship and offer sacrifices to God. In the first part of Exodus 35 Moses told the Israelites what they should bring to help build the Holy Tent.
The Israelites had many sheep and goats. In our Bible Reading, we learn that one thing the Israelites brought to be used in building the tent was goat hair. “And all the women who were skilled and wanted to help, made cloth from the goat hair” (verse 26).
What impresses me most about this story is that the Israelites gave a lot, and they gave because they wanted to. That is a good lesson for Christians today. We can give our money to churches and Christian missions. Or we can give our time to serve other Christians. But no matter what we give, we should give willingly. We should not give because we have to, but because we want to. Be happy when you give to God. Be willing to give Him your best. —JK

“All the Israelites who wanted to help brought gifts to the Lord. They gave these gifts freely, because they wanted to.” Exodus 35:29a
PRAYER: Father, I am happy to share my possessions and time with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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